Surah Info:
Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah of the Holy Quran. It has 286 verses divided in 40 sections and it was revealed in Madinah. This surah deals with a number of issues related to beliefs, history, law and morality.
Salam . Do you have Quran translation in urdu ?
Salam, you can find the Qur’an in Urdu , if you google
” Qur’an in Urdu”, insha allah you will be able to find it,
We will be adding Urdu translation soon insha Allah.
how to donate ?
I’m not sure
yes same
Shukriya this is great app for me
Quran 5 7 8
masha allah
Mashallah you guys are doing great
I like kanzul iman
i will donate to this organization
can you please add urdu translation audio with arabic please
Yes I want translation in urdu.
Asalamualikum can I don’t in this organization please
وَعَلَيْكُم السَّلَام وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
thanks this is a great app for me to learn mashallah!
i dont know
dont no
Yes, u can find the translation in Urdu and other language too. Click the * at the top right hand.
Hello I Like THis
Allah Give Me Food Thank You Allah
hi i am sahra and i love quan
No it have translation in Urdu
Click this symbol * at the top right hand corner. Then click translation, choose Urdu. The setting automatically change to Urdu.
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ খুব ভালো লাগে এই app থেকে কোর আন শরিফ তিলাওয়াত শুনতে,
Quran telaut sunle Amar monta khub balo hoye.. onk depression theke beche Jai… Ami er ageu Mishary Al afsay er telaut sunechi…. Onk Sundor kontho Allah dan korechen… Allah onake jajakallah Dan korun.. Amin Amin Amin
Quran is nice with you lesson.
Kub Valo lagca ma sa allah
Harut and Marut
Salam, do you have translation in malay?
Search in Google Quran with Malay translation inshallah you’ll find it
Yes, change your setting at the top right corner. Click the asterisk.
Mash allah
How do you change it to just arabic
Salam, why in some ayahs like in Al-baqarah: 14, the audio repeats but the text looks like there isn’t such repetition?
Alaikum Salaam,
It’s too complex and time consuming to align word highlight and audio perfectly for these kind of situations.
This is a good place to learn Quran. I do run Quran repeating here for my kid for Hifl. Alhamdulillah she is doing well with this website.
I would like to suggest a way to lean big Ayath – like to split and repeat big Ayath in smaller parts to Hifl easily, which this option is not available currently.
Hope you would consider. Jazakallah Khair.
السلام عليكم,
I was wondering if you guys could add the reciter Ahmad Al nufais? His voice is amazing and I would really appreciate it! Thank you, God bless you.
Assalaamu ‘alaykum! Please, add AbdulBasit AbdusSamad mujawwad style recitation as well
I am a teacher
This app is amazing ma sha Allah!
This is good
Salam Do you have quran in urdu translation
No sorry
this is good mashallah
this is really helpful
I love this app it is the best
It is very good for reading anywere
Do add tajwedi font!!!
Yeah, It’ll help us.
Sub Hanna Allah i think I’m goin to be on this site a lot Allah makes me feel good when I recite, I will take a longer surah like an nas it took me quite a while to memorize it. would repeat it over and over to myself one ayat at a time would spend 1.5 hr in the morning. Right after we awaken Allah knows we are at our brightest that’s why fajar is the long salah. The I see it this is way important enough (memorizing scripture) to me to dedicate my early morning time to ikra!! Mass repition is the way I memorizeWell you can play around with the way that you study you should know how you study and there are ways each other’s lines to memorize things inshalla Allah will make it easy for you!!!!
Mashallah brother, may Allah guide you!
Hi everyone, I am new to this website. Hope everyone is doing well in sha Allah!!!
Welcome to the website! I hope you like it as much as I do!
I love this qur’an. And to the new people, I love this qur’an and l hope you will too.
Hi to the new people! Hope you enjoy this qur’an like l do!
I’ve been on this website for like 6 months now it’s soo good and it helps me a lot I have a teacher and I do really well everyday thanks to this website
If you want the real translation of Quran then try Irfan ul Quran. You will find it really helpful!
so beautiful mashallah and before i didn’t know what the quran meant now i do
First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software.
May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button).
Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play.
As the current single pause button is placed at the bottom of the page, the online reciter will just move to the next ayat automatically which can sometimes pose a practical inconvenience for me when I am still focusing on the previous ayat.
Thank you once again.
First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software.
May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button).
Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play.
As the current single pause button is placed at the bottom of the page, the online reciter will just move to the next ayat automatically which can sometimes pose a practical inconvenience for me when I am still focusing on the previous ayat.
Thank you once again.
Sub Hanna Allah i think I’m goin to be on this site a lot Allah makes me feel good when I recite, I will take a longer surah like an nas it took me quite a while to memorize it. would repeat it over and over to myself one ayat at a time would spend 1.5 hr in the morning. Right after we awaken Allah knows we are at our brightest that’s why fajar is the long salah. The I see it this is way important enough (memorizing scripture) to me to dedicate my early morning time to ikra!! Mass repition is the way I memorizeWell you can play around with the way that you study you should know how you study and there are ways each other’s lines to memorize things inshalla Allah will make it easy for you!!!!
This website is amazing if u could rate it i would rate it 5 stars mashallah
Sub Hanna Allah i think I’m goin to be on this site a lot Allah makes me feel good when I recite, I will take a longer surah like an nas it took me quite a while to memorize it. would repeat it over and over to myself one ayat at a time would spend 1.5 hr in the morning. Right after we awaken Allah knows we are at our brightest that’s why fajar is the long salah. The I see it this is way important enough (memorizing scripture) to me to dedicate my early morning time to ikra!! Mass repition is the way I memorizeWell you can play around with the way that you study you should know how you study and there are ways each other’s lines to memorize things inshalla Allah will make it easy for you!!!!
First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software.
May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button).
Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play.
As the current single pause button is placed at the bottom of the page, the online reciter will just move to the next ayat automatically which can sometimes pose a practical inconvenience for me when I am still focusing on the previous ayat.
Thank you once again.
real brat
First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software.
May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button).
Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play.
As the current single pause button is placed at the bottom of the page, the online reciter will just move to the next ayat automatically which can sometimes pose a practical inconvenience for me when I am still focusing on the previous ayat.
Thank you once again.
Salaam Alaikum,
We will be adding such a feature at the next update insha’Allah.
Jazak(ie) Allahu Khairan
Thank you so much for that which apparently has already been done.
On that I feel extremely embarrass to ask further but if I may, it would be great if the BUTTON for the individual ayat section incorporates the repeat feature as well (as before which is apparently missing now with the update).
That feature if restored affords practical convenience.
We did only implement a repeat button per ayah for small screens, where the icons are horizontal:

For large screens, we decided not to do that as the icons are vertical and we do not have enough space.
Jazak(ie) Allahu Khairan
Thank you for pointing that out for me.
Sub Hanna Allah
Jazak Allah Khair
How do I bookmark a page on my laptop so I can go back to where I left off?
I think it better because Quran is good Quran is like your heart I’ll rate it 9 stars if I could. Best app ever!!
why not 10 stars
Why not 10 stars?
Its my opinion not yours,I luv this website but the rating im talking about is MY opinion
I was just asking if you are saying 9/9 stars or 9/10 stars cause I would give it 10/10 stars. Sorry if you took that offensively
I should also apologize for starting a fight,I understand that this website is amazing,and i would give it 10/10 Deeply sorry for the mean comment.
No need to apologize I didn’t take any offense. And I definitely agree. This website 10/10.
Why not 10 stars?
9 Stars
Great app! It somehow looks like there is not much on the page but then you realise you have read 1 full page within an half hour, very minimalistic
100000/100000 BEST APP EVER i made it to 3 juz so far mashaallah
hi khilad he is my brother he is so close to 3 juz also i give the 100000000000000000000000/100000000000000000000000
Best app ever
Mashallah this app is amazing… I reached surah Baqarah 120 ayahs in 2 weeks with this
Would It be possible to have features for adjusting prayer time and Islamic calendar so as to meet with local Islamic dictates over same?
We already have such features in place. You can sign up for an account and create your own prayer times widget/screen and adjust the prayer times settings. It’s also possible to adjust the settings of the prayer times widget at front with the settings button/icon at top-right of widget. This way the settings will be saved in your browser.
Please let us know what adjustments you have made and for what country/city so we can check whether we have to finetune our main settings.
Jazak(ie) Allahu Khairan
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️ I Love IT
I am interested in reading this Al-Quran Nur Karim application through my girlfriend, thankfully I was able to meet her in this world so that I can have istiqomah to read and appreciate the holy verses of the Al-Quran,
Thank you so much Mimi Marina Jaafar
I love it
Masha allah, Jazak Allah Khair the team behind this.
Allahu ekber ☝️
Ramadan Mubarak to anyone reading!
Ramadan Kareem to everyone
Ramadan Kareem.
When using laptop, requesting for feature for us to use the space bar to pause the recitation.
This is so useful thank you
First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software.
May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button).
Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play.
As the current single pause button is placed at the bottom of the page, the online reciter will just move to the next ayat automatically which can sometimes pose a practical inconvenience for me when I am still focusing on the previous ayat.
Thank you once again.
You right on asking for this problem to be fixed, cannot be overlook!
The play button is a play and pause button. When hitting this button twice the reciter will stop.
Hope this helps.
Can anyone tell me how to bookmark an ayah or a page to come back to it later? I can’t seem to figure it out.
You must sign in with your signed up account to activate the bookmarks function. Simply click at any surrah and hit the star button to set the bookmark. To come back to it later you can click at your account icon and select the bookmark option. All of the bookmarks will be shown and you can also choose the latest bookmark you marked before
Alhamdulillah and jazakallah for an amazing software. Ramadhan mubarak is coming to an end. Ending is a sad moments but it has to go as it’s a guest. May Allah s.w.t bless us all.
دەستان خۆش جزاک اللە خێرا
First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software.
May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button).
Sometimes I need to recite the same ayat repetitiously whilst hitting play.
As the current single pause button is placed at the bottom of the page, the online reciter will just move to the next ayat automatically which can sometimes pose a practical inconvenience for me when I am still focusing on the previous ayat.
Thank you once again.
Assalamu ^alaykum. What is your app’s name for android phones? iPhone? Jazakallaah.
Subhan-allah ❤️❤️
I have asked this before and your end has kindly given explanation on this BUT I was wondering whether I could appeal that a REWIND/RESTART button is placed at the left hand side for each ayat.
Currently to REWIND/RESTART any ayat, you need to ensure that your click/mouse pointer is placed at the bottom of the page.
This is not a great difficulty BUT to have it would definitely improve the enjoyment of using the Quran has provided at your end.
Made a niat, if that is done, will insyaAllah make a good donation
assalamualaikum I’M so sad
Would it be possible to have a setting to slow the reciter’s reading – so as to hear the pronunciation correctly.
Thank you
yeah please
do you mind adding a feature where the text of al-Ghamdi when he speaks turns orange e.g alafasy has that feature?
jazakallah khairan
why when I copy an ayah it turns like this:
ﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ
can you please make it that we can copy an ayah?
BTW, I’m using mushaf mode
HELLO! do u guys have trans in somali
Why don’t you brothers and/or sisters make it so that the translation alongside the transliteration and the Arabic text gets highlighted when you play the audio, rather than just the transliteration and the Arabic text, since maybe that would facilitate the learning of Arabic inshaAllah for many people wanting to learn Arabic whilst learning the Beautiful Blessed Holy Quran.
user friendly. Masha Allah.
i want to jump to a surah
Hello do have any translations in english
i help my sister with quran and i find this
Salam, I am a warsh reader. It’s realy hard to find an warsh quran. Does someone know a warsh site.
This is cool.
Bless you more all teams.
The best one as Skilled team work.
Request to Creator
Please add audio voice
الشيخ نورين محمد صديق
Nourin Mohamed Siddiq.
i use this for my classes
Assalmualykum , my name is Alia
I Love this app
May Allah Bess you
Can you please add the option to pause pressig “space button ” so that i can repeat for myself and read the translation as well
does anyone know why the verse i have selected is not pausing after it has read, although i have put settings to pause after it does so.
pls tell me how to change the reciter
Assalamualeikum I am from Turkmenistan.Can add here also turkmen language
To change reciter, go to the bottom of the screen where you can stop and play the Quran. On the left, you can see a little microphone. Click on that little microphone and you can see names like Al-Ghamidi and stuff. For the fun part, choose which reciter of Quran you wished to hear by clicking on the name. Therefore, you can start listening and reciting!
GOD Bless You All Insha’ Allah
I love this app! I am a new Muslim convert and do not have a Quran at home
I love this website, but I have a question: Arabic is not my first language and thus I use transliterations. will I still get rewards for reading Quran in Arabic, even if my pronunciation is bad?
Your website how to download as mobile app
From where can I buy Quran
e bello lo trovato interessante !!!!!!!!!!!!
vary good Tamil translate. Masha Allah…….
I’m from SriLankan…
Salam From where can I buy and learn Quran
Salam Aleykum
Wie geht es euch ?
Where can I see the reciter who is praying?
Asalamuacum as u see I am Zuhayr Cotwal
Please include this time.. tafseer why didn’t add tefseer very helpful for every use of people who are not mean the meaning of holy Qur’an
can you put islam sobhi his voice is sooooo beautful
I’m from Indonesia. This al qur’an is good and very useful. Unfortunately it doesn’t provide tafseer, where it is very important to understand the meaning of ayah or surah from tafseer to avoid misinterpretation.
I’d be thankful if you can
add Bahasa indonesia translation and tafseer from as Sa’di or Ibnu Katsir. Jazaakumullahu khayraan.
Awesome! I can always learn Ruqya hrere.
Salam everyone, My name is Kassem and I am a grade 7 student. Alhamdullilah by the will of Allah SWT I will finish the Quran in a couple of months Inshallah. Please Keep me in your duas.
me too
im in grd 7 memorize quran
do you have translate in the pashto
Learning to read Quran and try to understand the meaning….
“The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.” Quran, Surah Baqarah, verse 185.