Surah Info:
Surah Al-Furqan answers some of the objections of the non-believers against the Quran and the teachings of Islam. It also presents the character of the Believers as criteria to prove the truth of Islam. We can also read in this surah about the creation of the heaven and earth in six days
Salam. I am a website designer currently making an Islamic Site.
I wanted to feature your site as I am actually a daily user when I do Zoom mosque meetings.
I’m 13 but I just wanted your permission to feature the site.
Would that be OK?
I have a Twitter where I post exclusive snippets of it
Inshallah, I hope to hear from you
Assalaamu Alaikum,
Yes of course you can feature the site and grab Hassanat (rewards)! Allah (SWT) will reward you insha Allah as you are the one who showed others where to read/listen/learn The Holy Quran.
Jazak(ie) Allahu Khairan,
Wa-Alaikum Aassalaam
Jazakallah, thank you for this amazing opportunity, the site will be coming.
this is wonderfull
Assalamu ^alaykum. What is the name of your mobile app? Jazakallaah.
It is QURANONLINE all caps
I have read the quran 6-7 ⌚ now
I’m Read